Hi, I'm Natalie Lennon
I am a small business owner and an award winning Chartered Accountant with over 20 years experience in working with other small business owners just like you.
I am an accountant who speaks your language, accounting can be confusing and OMG tax is crazy complicated.
Keeping things simple so that you can understand is what I do best.

Who is the eBook for?
Whether you are thinking about starting a small biz or just want to understand your current small biz better this Ebook is for you!
If you are expecting a long drawn out download that you probably won’t finish then this is not for you.
If you want something short and easy to understand that you are guaranteed to finish then THIS WAS MADE FOR YOU!😍😍😍
What's inside?
My Small Biz Basics eBook has been designed to educate and empower YOU! I have compiled an overview of the key things I talk to client’s about on a day to day basis (over the past 20 years) for you to download and use as a resource.
The eBook is 26 pages long and covers off on the following topics:
✅ business names
✅ sole trader or company?
✅ bookkeeping
✅ record keeping
✅ why it is important to keep biz funds separate
✅ subcontractor vs employee
✅ insurance
✅ cashflow forecasting
✅ working capital
✅ breakeven point
✅ tax rates
✅ how tax deductions work
✅ tax planning
✅ Goods and Services Tax